County Heritage Routes | Estoril and World War II

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The purpose of our tour is to remember one of the most vibrant periods in Estoril's history. During World War II, Portugal served as a haven for thousands of people fleeing the war raging in Europe. Due to its cosmopolitanism and proximity to Lisbon, Estoril became a favorite destination for writers, film artists, members of European royal houses, bankers and ordinary people who crossed paths in the park's boulevards, on Casino nights or on the sands of Tamariz.

Estoril was also a privileged location for mutual surveillance, intelligence gathering, espionage and counter-espionage activities before, during and after World War II. 

There are many fascinating stories that we will share by revisiting some of Estoril's most emblematic places!

. Guided tour by historian Margarida Magalhães Ramalho
. Meeting point: Av. da República, in front of Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, Cascais

Target audience: Over 10 years old
Registration: HERE  
Information: 917 260 052 (national mobile network) | weekdays from 09h00 to 13h00 and from 14h00 to 17h00. 
Organization: Cascais City Council 


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