Presentation of the book “A História de Panglima, o escravo de Fernão de Magalhães” by Vera Nobre with illustrations by Viola Sellerino

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NameBiblioteca Infantil e JuvenilAddress

Av. Rei Humberto II de Itália
Parque Marechal Carmona
2750-327 Cascais

ParishCascais e EstorilGeolocation38.692962,-9.422077 (open map)
Cascais Municipal Library - Children and Youths

When Ferdinand Magellan set off on his maritime expedition, he took a slave with him, entering him on the crew list as an interpreter and not as a slave. Ferdinand Magellan made him a will in which he wrote that he would grant him his freedom, proving his friendship for him. The narrative of this book shows that the circumnavigation was a process involving many individuals, with the precious collaboration of a young man, the slave Panglima, who has been ignored by history books. Panglima was possibly from the Philippine Islands and was therefore also the first man to sail around the world, returning to his homeland in Asia.

Vera Nobre has a degree in Art History from Universidade Nova de Lisboa and writes about art and architecture for various media. She was born in Lisbon and has lived in 9 countries on different continents. It was in the Philippines, where she lived from 2019 to 2022, that she found inspiration for “A história de Panglima, o escravo de Fernão de Magalhães”, her first published fiction book.

Viola Sellerino is an Italian visual artist and illustrator living in São Paulo, Brazil. She has a degree in Architecture and completed the Mimaster Illustration Course in Milan. She works with digital art and traditional processes such as watercolor and acrylic. She spends her time illustrating, reading and cycling. 

Target audience: Families with children over 10 and (or) an audience interested in Portuguese history.
More information: 214 815 326/7 (national landline) | weekdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Organization: Cascais City Council | Vera Nobre, the author

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