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Este evento tem lugar em diferentes locais.
Por favor consulte a informação do detalhe.

ParishTodas as freguesias
Several places

The aim of the Athletics Trophy is to encourage the formation of regular athletics centers that encourage athletes and boost the operation of existing centers, as well as consolidating the development of the sport.

The Athletics Trophy has supported the operation of the Athletics Centres in the municipality and helped to standardize the activities and support provided by the local authority to the sports agents involved.

The Trophy brings together most of the road running and cross-country races held in the municipality of Cascais and promoted by clubs and parish councils.

The City Council provides the organizers with a range of technical, logistical and financial support and draws up the classifications.

All events and races are open to participation. However, the final individual and collective classifications and the respective prizes are exclusively for athletes belonging to clubs and schools in the municipality.

The calendar of races can be found in the document attached below

Registration: HERE
More information: dpaf@cm-cascais.pt
Organization: Câmara Municipal de Cascais in partnership with clubs in the county 

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