Espaço Memória - Teatro Experimental de Cascais (Museum)

Address[ + info ]
NameEspaço Memória - Teatro Experimental de CascaisAddress

Av. Marechal Carmona Nº 104
2750-642 Cascais

ParishCascais e EstorilGeolocation38.705167,-9.418712 (open map)

Av. Marechal Carmona Nº 104
2750-642 Cascais




The Museum is temporarily closed.

Visits to the Espaço Memória - Teatro Experimental de Cascais by appointment
Contact for appontment: ​​+ 351214 867 933 (local fixed network call)

This museum presents us the history of the Teatro Experimental de Cascais (a well known portuguese theater company), as well as temporary exhibitions often focus on personalities who have worked at the company.

In 47 years, the Teatro Experimental de Cascais has presented more than 100 plays and prestigious artist from different areas have worked in this plays as Carlos Paredes, Luís Pinto Coelho, Almada Negreiros, Júlio Resende, Natália Correia, Daniel Sampaio, Michel Giacometti , Amélia Rey Colaço, Mirita Casimiro, Eunice Muñoz, Carmen Dolores, Mário Viegas, among so many others.

A must-see journey through the history of theater  with  photographs, librettos, texts, models of sets and mannequins wearing costumes, props and other curiosities.