April, month for the prevention of child and youth abuse

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The National Commission for the Promotion of Children and Youth Rights Protection promotes, throughout the month of April, the campaign for the prevention of child and youth abuse under the slogan "I will be what you give me to be: Love."
The Cascais CPCJ (Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth), with the support of the Municipality of Cascais, joins this campaign with the aim of raising awareness among Entities with Competence in Matters of Childhood and Youth (ECMIJ), the Community, and children and young people about the urgent need to end all forms of abuse.

In addition to workshops aimed at professionals and students in the municipality of Cascais, Cascais will host the following initiatives:

Seminar "(Re) Stopping Abuse"

Date: April 29th | 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: Auditorium of the Cascais Cultural Center
Aimed at bringing reflection and discussion on the complexity that children and young people, victims of abuse, have in overcoming trauma and the differences between resilience and normalization of abuse situations.

Program in the attached document.

Registrations for the seminar: "(Re) Stopping Abuse"

Construction of the Human Ribbon

Date: April 29th at Parque Marechal Carmona | 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Parque Marechal Carmona
As a way to raise awareness in the community about the necessary efforts to prevent child abuse, a human ribbon will be formed.

During the month of April, the Cascais Municipal Council building, Paços do Concelho, will be illuminated with the color blue.

More information: +351 21 481 5282 | cpcjc@cm-cascais.pt
Organization: CPCJ de Cascais and Câmara Municipal de Cascais

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