Summer Youth Volunteer Programs

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Este evento tem lugar em diferentes locais.
Por favor consulte a informação do detalhe.

ParishTodas as freguesias
Several places

Summer Volunteer Programs are aimed at young people aged 12 to 30 and have the main goal of developing and enhancing skills in the younger generation, in order to promote participation with direct impact at the local level and foster a sense of active citizenship.

There are six Volunteer Programs - Maré Viva, Locals, Natura Observa, Social Culture, Culture in the Neighborhood, and Sports Holidays. The various options of volunteer programs allow young people to register for the program that they identify with the most and that best suits their profile, so they can have the best possible experience.

From environment to social activities, from sports to culture, there are various opportunities to acquire skills, for personal development, and for a first contact with the world of work.

Registrations until July 21.

Registrations: HERE
Organization: Cascais City Council - Youth Division

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