

36 events

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21 Dec'24
GNR Charade
21 Dec'24
28 Dec'24
Há cientistas na BIJ
4 Feb - 29 Dec'24
Happy Life Market - Trendy & Lifestyle
21 Aug - 30 Dec'24
Mini mint
16 Jan - 31 Dec'24
A Neighborhood at Hand Scale | Free Exploration Kit
1 Jul'23 - 31 Dec'24
“Read and Reread Outside Doors”
31 Dec'24
New Year's Eve in Cascais Bay
10 Dec'24 - 3 Jan'25
Vacations in the Neighborhood | “King of the Seas”
4 Jan'25
Book Club "The Word Cleaners"
23 Nov'24 - 5 Jan'25
Cascais Christmas Village
23 Nov'24 - 5 Jan'25
Cascais is Christmas 2024
8 Jan'25
IV Edition Printmaking Exhibition Workshop | Atelier with Francisca Carvalho
11 Jan'25
PATHWAYS-ATELIÊS | Eu nosente - Routes of Self-Discovery
15 Jan'25
IV Edição Oficina Exposição de Gravura | Curso e Gravura com João Cochofel
18 Jan'25
The Pillars of History – Story Time for Adults
25 Jan'25
Tell me stories: “The Whale”, by António Sérgio
25 Jan'25
IV Edition OFICINA EXPOSIÇÃO DE GRAVURA | Workshops by Ana Natividade
20 Sep'24 - 30 Jan'25
Let's make magic in the museum” workshop at the Condes de Castro Guimarães Museum
20 Sep'24 - 30 Jan'25
“The fan, an object of seduction”, workshop-visit at the Condes de Castro Guimarães Museum
6 Feb'25
IV Edition Printmaking Exhibition Workshop | “Arming your skin” Workshop
1 Jan - 15 Feb'25
Cascais Ideas and Business Competition - 18th edition
3 Nov'24 - 2 Mar'25
“An inside look”, workshop for the production of an author's book
29 Nov'24 - 30 Mar'25
'Lighthouses of Portugal: Guardians of the Night’ exhibition
19 Oct'24 - 17 May'25
9 Dec'23 - 30 Jun'25
Workshop visit "What's that smell?! - Perfume Laboratory"
1 Jul'24 - 31 Dec'25
A crown for a day" workshop at the Condes de Castro Guimarães Museum
30 Oct'24 - 31 Dec'25
Vitamina S
6 Feb'24 - 31 Dec'25
"There are gargoyles in the Tower"
6 Feb'24 - 31 Dec'25
How many do you want?
6 Feb'24 - 31 Dec'25
Archaeological Adventure at the Vila Museum
9 Sep'24 - 31 Dec'25
Visita-ateliê "Da Índia a Cascais"
9 Oct'23 - 31 Dec'25
“Tile Painting” Workshop in Museu Condes de Castro Guimarães
6 Feb'24 - 31 Dec'25
"I like this class"
2 Jan'24 - 31 Dec'25
17 Dec'24 - 31 Dec'26
What is this object? - Play-tour at the Museu da Vila