October: Mental Health Month

Schedule[ see detail ]
Various timetables per activity
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Este evento tem lugar em diferentes locais.
Por favor consulte a informação do detalhe.

ParishTodas as freguesias
Several places

We live in a time when we need to reinvent the way we look after ourselves and others, adopting new attitudes, actions and strategies to promote and protect mental health continuously and effectively. Mental Health is much more than the absence of problems, it is the foundation of our well-being, both individual and collective.

With this in mind, Cascais considers October to be Mental Health Month, adopting a collaborative vision where mental health ceases to be a taboo and becomes a collective commitment.

Under the theme ‘Saúde Mental In Lo(u)co - RAlações Humanas’, the Municipality is carrying out actions aimed at breaking down the prejudice surrounding this topic, which is so indispensable in everyone's life.

See the programme: HERE

Organisation: Cascais Town Council

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