Information Sessions: School Enrollment and Social Grants for Nursery and Kindergarten

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ParishTodas as freguesias
Several places

The Cascais City Council, through the Department of Education and the Department of Social Cohesion and Development, is holding four sessions in various parish councils of the municipality. The aim is to provide better clarification to residents regarding the conditions, procedures, and any existing doubts regarding the support of Social Grants in Private Nursery Schools and Kindergartens, as well as the School Enrollment process in Public Schools.

These sessions are intended for all those who have children of nursery, preschool, basic, or secondary school age.

Dates and Locations:

April 30 | S. Domingos Rana

Municipal Library | R. das Travessas 128, Bairro do Moinho, Massapés, R. Travessas 281, 2785-285 São Domingos de Rana

May 2 | Alcabideche

S. Vicente Auditorium | R. Rio das Grades, Alcabideche

May 7 | Carcavelos/Parede

Criarte Auditorium | R. João da Silva nº 4, 2775-586 Carcavelos

May 9 | Cascais/Estoril

Session Room, in the UF Cascais-Estoril at Vale de Santa Rita | R. de Santa Rita, 45, 2765-281 Estoril

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