Walking Circuit

Schedule[ see detail ]
Every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
Local[ + info ]
NameVários locaisAddress

Este evento tem lugar em diferentes locais.
Por favor consulte a informação do detalhe.

ParishTodas as freguesias
Several places

The Walking Circuit prioritizes regular physical exercise accessible to all. At each of the six stops, there is a guide responsible for the route at the specified times and days for walking.

This is an excellent opportunity to take care of your physical condition, improve your cardiorespiratory fitness, independence, and promote the building of an informal support network.


> Alcabideche

Wednesdays at 09:00 | Walking stop at the Alcabideche Social Welfare Association

> Carcavelos | Parede

Wednesdays at 09:30 | Walking stop at the Carcavelos Family Health Unit

> São Domingos de Rana

Mondays and Thursdays at 09:30 | Walking stop at Praça Fernando Lopes Graça | Tires

Wednesdays at 09:00 | Walking stop at Praceta Nossa Sr.ª da Assunção | Trajouce

Wednesdays at 19:30 | Walking stop at Outeiro de Polima Urban Park (AMU)

More information about the "Health+ Plan Every Day" HERE



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