

77 events

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23 - 26 Jan'25
The Husband Goes Hunting
25 Jan'25
Tell me stories: “The Whale”, by António Sérgio
25 Jan'25
Tribute to Celestino Lopes da Costa, stonemason and poet from Cascalão
25 Jan'25
Contos à Solta para Bebés
25 Jan'25
Há cientistas na BIJ
25 Jan'25
IV Edition OFICINA EXPOSIÇÃO DE GRAVURA | Workshops by Ana Natividade
25 Jan'25
Storytimes with simultaneous translation into LGP by Rita Belicha
25 Jan'25
Well-Read-Well-Told: Narrative Tasting à la Carte - Under the guidance of Joaninha Duarte
26 Jan'25
County Heritage Routes | Fort of Santo António da Barra
20 - 26 Jan'25
Visit the Bugio Lighthouse without leaving your seat!
28 Jan'25
International Conservator-Restorer Day
29 Jan'25
IV Edição Oficina Exposição de Gravura | Curso e Gravura com João Cochofel
20 Sep'24 - 30 Jan'25
Let's make magic in the museum” workshop at the Condes de Castro Guimarães Museum
20 Sep'24 - 30 Jan'25
“The fan, an object of seduction”, workshop-visit at the Condes de Castro Guimarães Museum
2 Jan'24 - 31 Jan'25
From Coastal Defense to Holiday Camp | Visit to the Fort of Santo António da Barra
31 Jan'25
Comunidade de Leitores
1 Feb'25
Sementes de Leitura - Hora do Conto para bebés
1 Feb - 11 Mar'25
Secrets of Light: Workshop on the Evolution and Maintenance of Optical Equipment in Headlights
17 Oct'24 - 2 Feb'25
“Gandaresan Declinations and Others” by Ana Sério
6 Feb'25
IV Edition Printmaking Exhibition Workshop | “Arming your skin” Workshop
7 Jan - 8 Feb'25
WE HAVE TALENT! Multidisciplinary Group Exhibition
8 Feb'25
“Fidelio meets Haffner”, concert by OCCO
8 Feb'25
A Jogatana: jogos e brincadeiras em família
8 Feb'25
Visita orientada "À descoberta do Farol de Santa Marta"
8 Feb'25
Venha conhecer a Casa de Santa Maria
8 Feb'25
IV Edition Printmaking Exhibition Workshop | Cologravure, Relief Drawing Workshops, with Madalena Parreira
14 Feb'25
Two Points Education - Show by Trimagisto
15 Feb'25
Correspondence” workshops
15 Feb'25
I’m Counting on You | Story Time on the third Saturday of each month
15 Feb'25
The Pillars of History – Story Time for Adults
16 Nov'24 - 16 Feb'25
“NICHOLAS NIXON - Fundación MAPFRE Collections”, at the Cascais Cultural Center
10 - 16 Feb'25
Master the Secrets of Navigation: Navigation Aids Workshop
10 Dec'24 - 18 Feb'25
Exhibition ‘The Sea in the Distance’, illustrated by Marta Nunes. Visual narratives based on the stories of fishermen from Cascais
20 Feb'25
Readings on the Farm - Cascais Municipal Library's Community of Readers
3 Nov'24 - 23 Feb'25
“The Legacy of the Alans - Caucasian Weapons, Clothing and Household Artifacts”
3 Nov'24 - 2 Mar'25
“An inside look”, workshop for the production of an author's book
5 Mar'25
IV Edition Printmaking Exhibition Workshop | Atelier with Francisca Carvalho
12 Dec'24 - 30 Mar'25
‘Pathways and Creative Syntheses’, temporary exhibition at the Museu Condes de Castro Guimarães
3 Dec'24 - 31 Mar'25
Learning to build ‘Chatas’ from Cascais, exhibition at the King D. Carlos Museum of the Sea
23 Apr - 4 May'25
Cascais Opera - International Singing Competition
25 Jan - 11 May'25
ABÓBODA: HISTORY AND MEMORY Documentary exhibition
19 Oct'24 - 17 May'25
19 Oct'24 - 17 May'25
1 Sep'24 - 31 May'25
Visita-ateliê: Arte Contemporânea no Centro Cultural de Cascais
24 Sep'24 - 3 Jun'25
THEATRE - A STAGE TO BE - 2nd edition
2 Jan - 27 Jun'25
Counts of Castro Guimarães Museum | Guided tours in foreign languages
9 Dec'23 - 30 Jun'25
Workshop visit "What's that smell?! - Perfume Laboratory"
3 Sep'24 - 30 Jun'25
Kit de Exploração Livre: Um Bairro à escala da mão
4 Sep'24 - 31 Aug'25
Ateliê "Desenhos no Parque" para escolas e instituições
4 Sep'24 - 31 Aug'25
Visita-ateliê: De Alto a Baixo – Museu Temporário
4 Sep'24 - 31 Aug'25
Visitas orientadas: Arte Contemporânea, no Centro Cultural de Cascais
1 Apr - 30 Sep'25
12 Oct'24 - 19 Oct'25
Exhibition “The invention of Estoril: History in photography (1914-1955)”
31 Oct'24 - 26 Oct'25
“The CHPR Collection in Dialogue”, by Paula Rego
29 Oct'24 - 26 Oct'25
Visita-ateliê “Quando conto uma história…”, na Casa das Histórias Paula Rego
6 Mar - 18 Dec'25
Interpretive Walk | The Biodiversity and History of Quinta do Pisão
31 Oct'23 - 31 Dec'25
Exposição itinerante - Alterações Climáticas
1 Jul'24 - 31 Dec'25
A crown for a day" workshop at the Condes de Castro Guimarães Museum
31 Dec'24 - 31 Dec'25
Exhibition of instruments in the garden at the Portuguese Music Museum - Casa Verdades de Faria
9 Oct'23 - 31 Dec'25
Visita-ateliê “Com os pés na cabeça”
31 Oct'23 - 31 Dec'25
Visita orientada à medida – Museu do Mar Rei D. Carlos
31 Oct'23 - 31 Dec'25
Visita-jogo “Quem se esconde aí?”
6 Feb'24 - 31 Dec'25
"There are gargoyles in the Tower"
6 Feb'24 - 31 Dec'25
How many do you want?
6 Feb'24 - 31 Dec'25
Archaeological Adventure at the Vila Museum
28 May'24 - 31 Dec'25
Visit to the Town Museum
1 Jul'24 - 31 Dec'25
"The Lighthouse Keeper's Courage: Facing the Storm", at the Santa Marta Lighthouse Museum
1 Jul'24 - 31 Dec'25
"A day in the life of a lighthouse keeper", at the Santa Marta Lighthouse Museum
1 Jul'24 - 31 Dec'25
Game-visit "What's in the Count's suitcase?", at the Condes de Castro Guimarães Museum
9 Sep'24 - 31 Dec'25
Visita-ateliê "Da Índia a Cascais"
31 Oct'23 - 31 Dec'25
Visita-ateliê “Do mar para a praia”
9 Oct'23 - 31 Dec'25
“Tile Painting” Workshop in Museu Condes de Castro Guimarães
6 Feb'24 - 31 Dec'25
"I like this class"
2 Jan'24 - 31 Dec'25
31 Oct'23 - 31 Dec'25
Visita-jogo “Gentes de Cascais”
31 Oct'23 - 31 Dec'25
Guided tour “Following the King’s steps”
17 Dec'24 - 31 Dec'26
What is this object? - Play-tour at the Museu da Vila