III Rally Paper of the Residents' Associations of the Municipality of Cascais

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Este evento tem lugar em diferentes locais.
Por favor consulte a informação do detalhe.

ParishTodas as freguesias
Several places

Come and discover the municipality of Cascais and its residents' associations in this event to share knowledge, create bonds and publicise the work of this associative network. Along the way, you'll visit various associations, some urban parks and all the parish councils in Cascais, where participants will have some sporting activities and quizzes on the history and activities of each association and parish council.

You can also count on a brief stop at the Outeiro de Polima Urban Park to replenish your energy at a lively breakfast and, at the end, you're all invited to a convivial lunch at the Malveira Arena, in partnership with AISA - Associação de Apoio Social Nossa Senhora da Assunção, which will culminate in the prize-giving ceremony.

Register now! (registration until 11 October 2024) - dass@cm-cascais.pt


07h15 - Meeting point - Malveira Arena: next to AISA - R. de Cascais 877, 2755-145 Alcabideche
08h45 - Teams leave - Paços do Concelho - Praça 5 de Outubro 1, 2750 - 320 Cascais
11h15 - Breakfast - Outeiro de Polima Urban Park (35-minute stop) 
13h30 - Arrival at Malveira Arena for lunch, prize giving and socialising

Registration and information: Anabela Pereira - 910 314 028 | dass@cm-cascais.pt
Organisation: Cascais City Council; Parish Councils; Associations Division; Youth Division; Transport Division; Physical Activity Promotion Division; Communication Division.

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