Summer activities at the Library

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NameBiblioteca Municipal de S. Domingos de RanaAddress

R. das Travessas, n.º 128
Bairro do Moinho - Massapés
2785-285 S. Domingos de Rana

ParishS. Domingos de RanaGeolocation38.719195,-9.342987 (open map)
S. Domingos de Rana Municipal Library

The Library is offering a series of recreational-pedagogical activities designed to occupy youngsters during the summer vacations, because learning can be done in a very fun way!

It will consist of reading mediation sessions, told and sung, based on the story "Once upon a time there was an old woman who swallowed a fly", by Pam Adams, and the book "The Box", by João Rodrigues, which we call "Tell me a story?".

It will also include outdoor games (mata-piolho, jogar aos 7, saltar à corda and banho de mangueira) and science labs on environmental education, called "Do velho faz novo", which invite each participating child to experience the word, in its multiple expressions, with a view to creativity, active citizenship, inclusion and diversity, in the context of sustainable and personal development.

Come and have fun with us, listen to stories full of comic characters and build toys for yourself!

Target audience: For children aged 6 to 12

Participation free of charge, subject to prior registrationHERE
More information: +351 21 481 54 03/4 (national landline) | weekdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.)
Organization: Cascais City Council

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