PEDESTRAL TOUR | ‘Discover Cabo Raso’

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Free (registration required)


PEDESTRAL TOUR | ‘Discover Cabo Raso’ - 29th of September

Start time: 9.30 a.m. (arrive about 15 minutes early)

Maximum gradient: Not significant | Climbs: Not significant | Type of route/km: Circular/14km | Estimated time: 4 to 5 hours

Route: Along urban and peri-urban paths, mostly asphalted, along the cycle path and the Guincho coastal footpath.

Subjects of interest: Casais Velhos Roman Villa, coastal forts, coastal defences and attacks, Cabo Raso Lighthouse, Praia Grande do Guincho, Guincho Volcanic Chimney, Mediterranean flora, dune system, Oitavos consolidated dune, lapiá fields, Quinta da Marinha, seafront promenade.

Meeting point: Guincho campsite gate.

Geographical coordinates (GPS): N38º43'18‘’ W09º27'57‘’

Access: From Cascais head towards Guincho. After Restaurante Muchaxo and Praia Grande do Guincho, take the first right.

Where to park: In the car park opposite the entrance to the campsite.

Participation: FREE with compulsory registration (Registration Form HERE)

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