Launch of the book “Palácio no Estoril: The inspiring hotel”

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NameHotel PalácioAddress

Avenida Clotilde, n.º 158

ParishCascais e EstorilGeolocation38.70486,-9.39626 (open map)
Hotel Palácio

“Palácio no Estoril: O hotel inspirador” is the latest bilingual book by Paula Bobone, translated by Isabel Soares da Costa, and published by Cascais Municipal Council.

This small work, which is an important record of memories with the Hotel Palácio in Estoril as its centerpiece, is a significant contribution to the preservation, enhancement and dissemination of the history of Estoril and this hotel.

For more information: 214 815 344 (national landline) | weekdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Organization: Cascais City Council

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