Presentation of the YA book “Por Fim em Silêncio” by Bruno Leão

Schedule[ see detail ]
from 16:00 to 17:30
Local[ + info ]
NameBiblioteca Municipal de S. Domingos de RanaAddress

R. das Travessas, n.º 128
Bairro do Moinho - Massapés
2785-285 S. Domingos de Rana

ParishS. Domingos de RanaGeolocation38.719195,-9.342987 (open map)
S. Domingos de Rana Municipal Library

This first book by Bruno Leão contains a story about toxic queer relationships, about the difficulty of finding ourselves and discovering how to shine in our true form.

On this day, the book will be presented by Raquel Almeida (@bichodagalaxia).

When Samu meets Martim, he seems to be the perfect boy: drop-dead gorgeous and with a smile that erases all doubt. The attraction between the two is inevitable and nothing and no one can keep them apart. But Martim isn't who he seems to be and Samu will find this out the hard way. Until he meets Filipe and enters a path that seems to have no return...

About the author:
Bruno Leão lives in Cascais, writes queer YA (Young Adult) books and has become known on the Internet for sharing his life and his reading. He enjoys spontaneous dips in the sea and cold baths. “Por Fim em Silêncio” is his anticipated debut novel. To find out more about the author: @brunoleaoautor

More information: 214 815 403/4 (national landline) | weekdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Organization: The author, Bruno Leão | Support: Cascais City Council

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