Breast Cancer Screening

Schedule[ see detail ]
Monday to Friday - 09.20 - 12.30 | 14.00 - 17.30
Local[ + info ]
NameVários locaisAddress

Este evento tem lugar em diferentes locais.
Por favor consulte a informação do detalhe.

ParishTodas as freguesias
Several places



The Breast Cancer Screening campaign is back on June 17 until November 22. It's an initiative run by the Portuguese League Against Cancer - Southern Regional Center (LPCC-NRS), in partnership with the National Health Service (SNS).
Women in the municipality, aged between 50 and 69, will be able to count on a technical team specializing in breast cancer and new digital equipment that will improve the quality of diagnosis.

For More Information: 245 009 299 | 915 999 890
Organization: Cascais City Council | Portuguese Cancer League | National Health Service


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