National Democracy Day
On the morning of April 1, the Estoril Congress Centre will welcome 12th graders from Cascais schools to take part in National Democracy Day, an initiative organized by Cascais City Council, in partnership with the SEDES Academy. The grand prize is a trip to the European Commission in Brussels.
National Democracy Day was created, above all, to provide young people with knowledge about politics in a pluralistic way, to encourage democratic participation and to make them aware of the importance of democracy.
With the initiative, students will be able to take part in three major events:
Democracy Class
A class focusing on the pillars of democracy and the different electoral systems, political regimes and forms of government that exist in the world, with an emphasis on the architecture and functioning of the Portuguese political system, led by Josรฉ Miguel Jรบdice, lawyer and political commentator, and Nuno Carrapatoso, coordinator of the SEDES Academy;
Quiz on Politics
A game made up of a series of political questions (local, national and international). The winning group will have the chance to visit the European Commission in Brussels; second and third place will also receive prizes;
Debate between political forces
A plural debate between the different party forces sitting in the Cascais Municipal Assembly, to demonstrate democracy in practice, with questions posed by the various schools in the municipality of Cascais.
With this initiative, Cascais is once again inviting young people to participate actively in society, promoting democratic values such as pluralism, freedom of expression and equality.
Registration: Registration should be made with the teacher in charge at each of Cascais' secondary schools.
Organization: Academia SEDES and Cascais City Council