SMUP's 126th anniversary

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NameSociedade Musical Uniรฃo Paredense - SMUPAddress

Rua Marquรชs de Pombal 319, Parede, Lisboa, Portugal

ParishCarcavelos e ParedeGeolocation38.690216876538,-9.356706069309 (open map)
Sociedade Musical Uniรฃo Paredense - SMUP

It is with great pride that we celebrate another anniversary, the one hundred and twenty-sixth of SMUP (Sociedade Musical Uniรฃo Paredense), an institution that contributes so much to the culture of our parish.

On the 8th of March, at 4pm, we invite everyone to join us for performances by the philharmonic band and the theatre group. An initiative that promises to fill our space with music, art and emotion.

Venue: SMUP, Parede

Date: 8th of March

Time: 4pm

See here for more information


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